Structural Trap II
Structural Trap II
Metal, paper made from sugarcane combined with shredded disposable plastic waste (“plasticane”), iron oak gall ink, ink made from sheetrock
51” x 38” x 28”
A structural trap is the name of a geological structure formed when massive layers of rock are bent or faulted from Earth’s shifting landmass and create reservoirs or “traps” of petroleum. This sculptural drawing refers to the politics of Louisiana as an oil and gas state despite our disintegrating coastline that is being caused by and exacerbated by these same industries yet fails to change course.
In the detail views, the infrastructure of the sculptural drawing is visible. The viewer can see the recycled pipes that support the work, referencing the fossil fuel and petrochemical infrastructure threaded seen and unseen throughout the Southern Louisiana landscape. This network is an important part of our economy yet imperils the future of our coast and global livable futures.