moving the solar cart
Moving the solar cart
Becoming with:
A rhizomatic solar cart
Metal, wire, plastic, cement, sugarcane, oops paint, soil, Louisiana native and locally adapted vines, LED grow-lights + solar panels, batteries and electrical components, rain-water collection tank, and water pump
This installation is a nomadic hybrid ecosystem rooted in the past, present, and future of Southern Louisiana that explores what it means to live here in a time of global warming.
Camera by Jesy Rae Buhl
I developed the solar cart to divest my studio practice from fossil fuels so when I move it from place to place around the city of New Orleans it is pushed by human power. Thank you to Zarouhie Abdalian, Claire Beauchamp, Gail Chalew, Ana Hernandez and Cora Lautze for helping me move the solar cart from my studio to Longue Vue House and Gardens for my residency.
To see the solar cart in situ with sculptural installation click here
To view the open source plans for the solar cart, click here
Thank you to Sam Langberg, Ari Chalew and Stuart Chalew for providing support during this move. Thank you to the NEA and the New Museum’s IdeasCity for supporting this project. Special thanks to Abe Geasland for fabrication brilliance and Kristian Ware for unending solar technical support and troubleshooting.